Decision Date:
Decision Type:
Permision or Licence
Decision Summary:
That, following a request from the licencee, the licence to operate an experimental cafe concession on Sworders Field awarded to Mary's Vintage Kitchen be extended for a further six weeks (until end of November 2014 approx) on the same basis as currently awarded,
Deciding Officer:
James Parker
Option Considered:
Option Selected/Rejected Reasons
Not to extend the licence Rejected The service appears successful and the public appear to appreciate its presence
To put the licence out to open tender immediately Rejected The tender process could not be completed in time given the operational dates requested
To extend the licence now for a further six weeks. If it continues to appear that a concession is financially viable then to put the concession out to open tender for the 2015 season Selected This option secures the service and income to the council in the short term and ensures that best value is obtained in the long term, should the viability of a concession of this nature be confirmed by the continued trading on an experimental basis
Member Conflicts: